Insulin Pump Site Change Day !

It is Pump Site change day in our house – well, technically should have been yesterday but there was still Insulin left in her old Reservoir and I didn’t want to throw any of that lifesaving liquid away!

Here is a basic run down of what is required when her Pump “Site” needs to be changed – EVERY 2-3 days..

I will start with the finished product.


Pump Site, Tubing, Insulin Reservoir and Pump fully inserted and operational in Eden’s belly..

Eden is attached like this 24hrs a day – 7 days a week – 365 days a year

she gets a steady trickle of insulin 24hrs a day as well as larger boluses for meals or high BS

She does however disconnect for showering, swimming and basketball.

Below: Pump Site before and after insertion and the needle that is extracted afterwards.

If you look closely you can see all of the needle prick scarring from doing this over and over and over in and around the same area.

Below: Pump with Insulin Reservoir and Tubing both inserted and separated from the pump. Also a close up of the clasp that clips in to her Pump Site and allows passage of Insulin.

Drawing out the Insulin into the Reservoir



The supplies out of the packaging and ready..

I have already drawn out the Insulin in this picture

We go through this procedure EVERY 2-3 days. Sometimes needing to only change the Pump Site itself as the Cannula that is inserted under her skin can become kinked and inhibit the flow of Insulin..

How do we know if it is kinked?

Well, we DON’T for sure – its under the skin – so we GUESS that may be the problem if her BS levels are stubbornly high and will not come down.

Eden and other Type 1 Diabetics that use an Insulin Pump have to go through this process or one similar to it to STAY ALIVE..

Over time it just becomes a habit and a process that we follow because we HAVE to.. But would YOU want to have to do this to your child?

I DO NOT want this to have to be her NORMAL for the rest of her life..

We REALLY need a CURE….

19 thoughts on “Insulin Pump Site Change Day !

  1. My daughter is also on the pump. She’s 7. Amazing what these kids deal with isn’t it? My question is what is the little bluish/purple thing between the insulin and the cartridge? Does it help to draw in the insulin without bubbles or something? Or is a part of the cartridge?

    • Hi Shannon! I know – our kids are TOUGH!

      I don’t know the “technical” term but it is basically the needle that attaches between the bottle of insulin and the reservoir to draw the insulin out of the bottle. It gets disposed of after 1 use.

  2. Oh ok. It must just be a different set up. Ours is a detachable needle that screws on and then gets tossed after. Thanks for the info!

  3. Heather, your post brought back memories…… Keep on keeping on and know you’re doing your daughter a great favor by having her on a pump and being so attentive to her care. My daughter just turned 24– dxed at 5— pump at 8 ( a big deal I had to fight for 16 years ago)– went to school on a 4year full ride athletic scholarship (played volleyball at a D-1 school), and is in her third year of med school (actually is in a MD/PHD program). I share this so you can know that kids with D do grow up, leave home ( That’s a toughy😊) and keep on carrying on themselves, just like everyone else. Yes, they always have a monkey on their back ( rather a cannula under their skin😀), but Eden will learn to incorporate her self-care into her daily routine(Nope, no days off😞) and can thrive on the path she chooses. When our daughter comes home to visit, I seldom even think about her D any more- but the old tubing I find in her waste basket reminds me she has responsibilities that most others don’t — Her “normal” is different that others—Darn, it……

    • thank you Connie!
      Yes – I am thankful she has a great attitude and just goes with the flow.. I think at this age it is MUCH harder on the parents rather than the child. I know the next few tween and teen years are going to probably be the toughest but we ALL know she can and will thrive!
      appreciate your words of wisdom! 🙂

  4. Heather,
    You are creating a truly miraculous and meaningful blog with all the knowledge you are imparting about childhood Type 1 Diabetes. There are oh so many people who simply take this dreaded disease with a grain of salt and don’t realize the complexity of the day to day, hour to hour constant awareness that is required. Keep it coming my dear; education will ultimately here fruit with the ultimate goal of finding a cure!

  5. The needle size made me gasp!

    And I think the one we use might be EVEN LONGER! It’s one of the diagonal-style ones. It has been 2 years, but I still try to not look too closely.

  6. Pingback: Not the Best way to Start the Day… | Eden's Effort

  7. Pingback: What to do – What to do ?? | Eden's Effort

  8. Pingback: We are Pumping again! | Eden's Effort

  9. Pingback: Type 1 –  MAKES you strong … | Eden's Effort

  10. Pingback: Here we go Again… | Eden's Effort

  11. Pingback: Solidarity … | Eden's Effort

  12. Congrats to all mothers of children with t1 & mothers with t1 who have children to raise
    I’ve been t1 since I was not yet 3 years old that’s 78 years ago & have 3 children & 5 grandchildren
    & fathers, too.hugs to you/ us all

  13. Pingback: And so it continues… | Eden's Effort

  14. Pingback: My human guinea pig … | Eden's Effort

  15. Pingback: Oh boy… what a way to start the day | Eden's Effort

  16. Pingback: Bacon to the rescue – just another Monday living with Type 1 Diabetes…  | Eden's Effort

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